To be sure to arrive at the core of the meeting, don’t miss the chance to take advantage of an accurate service
At Trust Servizi we acquired a long-term experience in providing interpreting services in Rome, as well as across Italy. We work and offer our customers a full network of well trained and professional interpreters with a large experience in the field required.
Trust Servizi offers a wide range of interpreting services from chuchotage to multilingual interpreters’ boots.
Thanks to our large network of interpreters we are able to provide Rome-based businesses with exceptional interpretation service for many language combinations.
All our interpreters are native speakers and boast a degree in interpretation
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This mode of interpreting is used in conferences with a high number of participants, requiring that interpreters translate what is being said in real time.
For this mode of interpreting, at least two interpreters for each foreign language are needed. Simultaneous interpreters work in a soundproof booth, from which they can see the conference room.
(def. Assointepreti)

This mode of interpreting (from the French chuchoter, to whisper) is used only for one or two participants. It is a form of simultaneous interpreting without a booth, in which the interpreter translates the speaker’s presentation in a quiet voice into the ear of listeners. The time lag (décalage) between the voice of the speaker and the voice of the interpreter is extremely short.
(def. Assointepreti)

In this mode of interpreting, the interpreter does not use headphones. He/she sits among and follows the conversation of participants, taking notes, and translating at regular time intervals of 5 to 10 minutes.
Consecutive interpreting is suitable for short meetings, e.g., press conferences or presentations delivered by a single speaker.
(def. Assointepreti)

This mode of interpreting is used during business negotiations and meetings attended by a small number of participants. No simultaneous interpreting techniques are used.
Liaison interpreting covers a broad range of events, e.g. working meetings, commercial dealings, negotiation and signature of agreements, fairs, and visits to factories and companies.
(def. Assointepreti)